
Birds of Kentucky

The Birds of Kentucky is a quick and easy to use, light-weight, durable, all-weather field guide to the inspiring and incredibly varied birdlife inhabiting the State of Kentucky. Stunning digital photographs depict more than 125 species of common and notable birds, enabling users to identify nearly every bird they encounter—day or night—within the guide’s extensive area of coverage.

Whether seeking waterfowl, forest birds, Bald Eagles or sorting through the fascinating assortment of migrants along the “Mississippi Flyway; setting your sights on the colorful variety of warblers inhabiting the Appalachian Cumberland Plateau in Kentucky’s eastern highlands; embarking on a trip to Mammoth Caves National Park; identifying your garden birds; or on a quick business trip to Louisville, Lexington, Bardstown, Williamsburg, and points between, you’ll be glad to have this booklet.

Designed to satisfy the needs of birders of all interest levels—but especially beginning and intermediate users trying to “make sense of it all”—this beautiful and amazingly informative six-fold guide will be an indispensable field companion on all trips.

ISBN: 978-1-943334-03-2

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Raptors of Eastern North America

Raptors of Eastern North America contains over 120 color photos of all the raptors that occur east of the Rocky mountains in the United States and Canadian provinces. Multiple photos for many species show a variety of plumage conditions for males, females and different color morphs, upperside and underside flight views, as well as a number of different wing shapes for each species in flight. Perched birds are also shown.

Each species featured includes a short description of the physical features, its size, and preferred habitats. The status—seasonal frequency, resident or migrant, geographic breeding habitats—of each raptor within the range is also noted.

These guides differ from other similar products by the increased number of photos for each species, such as seven photos for Swainson’s Hawk. This laminated, waterproof, folding field guide is a must for anyone who wants to identify birds of prey anywhere in eastern North America—and they fit in your back pocket when you complete your ID conclusion. You’ve tried the rest; now try the best quick reference guides for North American raptors.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-37-4

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Hummingbirds of North America

Hummingbirds of North America is a quick and easy to use, light-weight, durable, all-weather field guide to the smallest, and some of the most colorful, popular, mysterious and alluring birds in North America—Hummingbirds. Over 100 stunning digital photographs depict every hummingbird species ever recorded in the United States and Canada. And just as importantly, each species is represented by a variety of images that show precisely which field marks to look for and how each may appear in the field at differing lighting angles.

Organized by region (Widespread, Eastern, Pacific States, Rockies and Montane West, Desert Southwest, U.S./Mexican Borderland, etc.), the guide immediately sets users in the right direction by narrowing down the possibilities while answering the pivotal question: “Which hummingbirds occur in my region?” Designed to satisfy the needs of birders of all interest levels—but especially beginning and intermediate users trying to make sense of it all—this beautiful and amazingly informative six-fold guide will be an indispensable companion on all outings.

This affordable guide will conveniently fit into any daypack, pocket or glove-compartment, facilitating easy field identification—whether in a home garden, on a family vacation, or a serious trip visiting all the best hummingbird hot spots within the United States and Canada.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-42-8

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Shorebirds of North America

Shorebirds of North America contains over 200 color photos of all the breeding and commonly occurring shorebird species found in North America. Species accounts show breeding and nonbreeding plumages when differences occur, as well as many immature and juvenile plumages. Some similar species are shown side by side to allow for easier ID comparison, such as the dowitchers, yellowlegs and willets.

Each featured species includes a short description of their physical and plumage features, body and wingspan measurements, and preferred habitats. The status of each species, including seasonal frequency, resident or migrant occurrence, and breeding location and habitats are also noted.

These guides differ from other similar products by the increased number of photos for each species, which allows readers to compare a variety of individuals on the same page. This laminated, waterproof, folding field guide is a must for anyone who wants to identify shorebirds anywhere in North America—and they fit in your back pocket when you complete your ID conclusion. You’ve tried the rest; now try the best quick reference guides for North American shorebirds.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-78-7

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Butterflies of Kentucky

The Bluegrass State has a variety of regions to explore for butterflies, including the Cumberland Mountain area, Blue Grass section, Shawnee Hills, Central Hill and Valley area, and lowlands along the Mississippi River in the west. Nearly 150 kinds of butterflies have been reported from Kentucky. The resident butterflies are primarily eastern species, but some southern and northern species are also represented.

Beautifully illustrated are 59 species of true butterflies and 25 species of skippers, and their caterpillars. Ideal for the field, this folding, waterproof guide features color photos of the butterflies and caterpillars in a side-by-side format. Common and scientific names, adult size, season when they can be found, and their caterpillar host plants are listed. Tips on finding butterflies and caterpillars are given and the life cycle of the Gulf Fritillary is illustrated.

Featured are familiar butterflies such as the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Orange Sulphur, Red Admiral, Mourning Cloak, Monarch, Silver-spotted Skipper and less well-known species such as the Falcate Orangetip, Olympia Marble, Harvester, and Baltimore Checkerspot. Kentucky’s State butterfly, the Viceroy, is also shown.

Teachers, students, and nature enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy using this guide.

ISBN: 978-1-943334-99-5

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